Corn on the CobWe’ve all been in uncomfortable situations when food gets stuck between our teeth. Corn on the cob at a summer cookout, a mysterious popcorn kernel that can’t be dislodged at the movie theater, a tough piece of meat that wedged itself between two back molars during dinner, or a poppy seed from a bagel that found its way into an unknown crevice – these are all common occurrences. But for some people they deal with much worse and on a frequent basis.

For example, some people realize that two of their teeth are just far enough apart to constantly trap food. They may even avoid chewing on that side of the mouth in an attempt to minimize the frustration of getting food stuck. While that may be a quick fix, it’s not a long-term solution to the issue. The real question is – why does food get stuck in that location?

To answer the question, Moore Family Dental would need to schedule an appointment to evaluate your teeth. Besides the pressure and awkward feeling of having food stuck, there may be a bigger problem to detect. Possible reasons food may be getting stuck are:

  • Too much space between adjacent teeth – this is referred to as an open contact and can be caused by the placement of filling or crown that lacks the proper shape.
  • Cavities – between and within teeth, cavities can grab food particles and trap them – making it difficult to completely remove.
  • Improper flossing – using the wrong floss techniques can actually force material further between the teeth or the gum.
  • Periodontal disease – this is a serious issue that must be dealt with by a professional. It can cause a variety of dental problems, with the main ones being loss of bone and gum tissue. Individuals with periodontal disease may experience drifting or shifting of their teeth that can lead to gaps that can catch food. Further health issues can also stem from periodontal disease.

People often experience bad breath as a result of food particles being stuck between the teeth. If you have any of the warning signs of a problem with the space between your teeth, it’s time to make an appointment. We’d be happy to help resolve the issue and also do a thorough cleaning to ensure both the teeth and gums are healthy and in optimal condition. Contact us today.